Technical info

What to do in case of loss or theft of the document etui or licence plates?

What to do in case of car key loss?

What if the rented vehicle can not be unlocked?

What if the rented vehicle can not be locked?

What if the rented vehicle can not be locked?

What if i can not start the engine?

What if the vehicle is turned on and ready to go, but the mechanical or electircal hand brake can not be released??

What is auto hold and does the rented vehicle have it?

How can i check the fuel type the rented vehicle uses?

What do i do if i used the wrong fuel type?

What if i run out of fuel?

What it the vehicle can not pass a certain speed level no matter how hard i push the gas pedal?

What if a certain warning lamp turns on, on the instrument panel/ dashboard or on the central screen of the dashboard.

How do i deactivate the tire pressure indicator?

How can i contact the technical support?

Does the rented vehicle have all the mandatory equipment and where can it be found?

What to do in case of a vehicle mafunction on the road that makes further travel imposible?

What if the malfunction is caused by a damaged wheel/tire?

What if the fluid level in the vehicle is below the recommended level?

What if the rented vehicle has a different malfunction which does not effect the safety of the vehicle or driving (faulty radio etc.)

What if the outer lighting on the car is faulty?

What if the rented vehicle has a faulty electric conection (wi-fi, gps...)?

Is it allowed to transport animals in the rented vehcile?

Can the rented vehicle be used to transport heavy objects?

Can rented vehicles be used on roads that are not first class?

Can i use the rented vehicle to participate in car races or similar events?

Can i put stickers and foils on the car?

Does the rented vehicle have proper pneumatics?

Can technical modifications be done on the rented vehicle?

Can the driver or passanger smoke inside he vehicle?

How do i know that the rented vehicle needs regural maintenance?

Can i take the rented vehicle to a repair or tire shop to have it checked or worked on?

How to correctly install a child seat/booster?

How to block the back doors and windows to make child transportation safer?

The radio in the rented vehicle is not working and its is displaying a message “enter code”

Are damages to the tires and or rims included in the insurance?

What to do in case of a traffic accident or vehicle damage, in cases of theft, theft atempt and or brake ins, and vandilsm?

How to insure the vehicle when parking it?

What equipment comes with every vehicle?

Where can i find what serial and additional equipment the car is equipped with as well as the vehicles performace guide?


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